
     当社は1944年(昭和19年) 創業より非鉄金属鋳造業を営んでおります。創業当時は主に銅合金(青銅)鋳物が多く、
     船舶漁業関連品や真鍮製のドアノブや引手といった建築金物品なども製造しておりました。  戦後からの復興が完全
     した。  それら時代のニーズの多様化により求められる製品の種類も変わり船舶漁業関連品から一般産業機械部品
     函館道南地域企業から今では関東首都圏地域の各種産業機械メーカーの部品製作を手がけております。  当社では、


               Since our founding in 1944 (Showa 19), we are engaged in nonferrous metal casting business.
               At the time of its establishment, there were many copper alloy (bronze) castings,
               We have also produced items related to ship fishery and building metal goods such as brass doorknobs
               and pull tabs. Recovery from the postwar period is complete Although there was not much goods in
               the not being, it was an era where things such as ready-made goods etc. are not complete yet.
               Eventually North Sea Salmon Fishery There are many shipbuilding and iron industries that took charge
               of that era in Hakodate which was ryokan as a base of the fleet, mostly handling ship fishing related items
               I was disappointed. In the era, however, the environment related to fishery begins to undergo a major
               change due to the setting of 200 nautical miles exclusive economic zones etc. did. The types of products
               required by the diversification of the needs of those times have changed, and general industrial machine
               parts from ship fishing related items It has changed greatly. Materials to be handled also changed from
               copper alloy (bronze) casting to aluminum alloy casting, and major ordering companies also
               From Hakodate Donan South Region Companies We are now handling the parts production of various
               industrial machine manufacturers in the Kanto metropolitan area. At our company,
               I would like to continue making efforts so that we can respond to various customers' requests in the future.  


Company name ケーアイシー株式会社
Postal code 041-1133
Adress 北海道 亀田郡七飯町中島145-18
TEL 0138-65-0941
FAX 0138-65-7841
Nearest station 新函館北斗駅より車で15分


2025.01.15 Wednesday